Newsletter February 2022

Dear Parents,

Please note the following:

  • New baby: As you all know at this stage, Mrs Wilmott had a baby girl before Christmas. Her name is Grace and everyone is doing well, we wish them happy days ahead. Many thanks to Mrs Duffy who covered in the Junior Room up to Christmas and to Ms Mc Connon who is currently covering the maternity leave in this room.
  • Mrs Jones will be off for a number of weeks. Mrs Mc Adam will be covering for her.
  • Confirmation will take place on Saturday 26 th March at 11am in St. Peter & Paul’s. More details later regarding numbers/ seating arrangements. Details regarding the pledge will be communicated to families as soon as we receive them.
  • First Holy Communion will take place in St. Peter & Paul’s on Saturday 21 st May at 11.00 am. Details of First Confession will be communicated to families as soon as we receive them.
  • Soccer coaching is currently taking place in school from Tuesday 1 st February for 6 weeks. Please wear PE gear each Tuesday for this duration.
  • Tree: On Wednesday 26 th January the Green Schools Committee planted a tree in our garden to highlight the climate crisis the world is experiencing. Many thanks to Michael Kelly who picked the tree for us and helped prepare the garden.
  • Art Competitions: We had a number of winners in various art competitions in all classrooms over this past while, well done to all involved! Many thanks to Magheracloone Group Water Scheme who ran one of these competitions and also made a donation to the school, this was very much appreciated.
  • Bike shelter: We are delighted to have received confirmation from Monaghan County Council that our school will be allocated money to erect a bike shelter as part of our Greens Schools work. Many thanks to Mrs E. Brennan who applied for this funding on behalf of the school.
  • Covid19: We wish to acknowledge the efforts and on-going co-operation of all families during these times and particularly during the recent period when we had a number of positive Covid19 cases in the school. Please continue to keep your child at home if they feel unwell.
  • Applications for Admission: 2022/2023 Enrolment Applications – Forms can be requested by phoning the school on 042 9662340 on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday between 9.30am to 1.20pm or by email to They are also available on our website.
  • Mid-term break takes place on Thursday & Friday 24 th & 25 th February.
  • Long weekend: St. Patrick’s Day 17 th March & Friday 18 th March – bank holiday.
  • Easter Holidays: take place from Monday 11 th April – Friday 22 nd April.

Breege Brennan

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