Parents’ Association

All parents are members of the Parents’ Association and we have a very active Committee who are elected by the parents. The committee meet regularly to support and organise school events and fund raisers. They represent the parents’ views on policy making, organise activities for parents, help with fundraising and keep in close contact with the principal of the school.
The Parents’ Association in Drumgossatt N.S. have been in action for a number of years. During that time they have organised many successful fundraising events from our annual Christmas draw, clothes for cash collections, Easter Draws non uniform days. The funds raised have provided tin whistle lessons, indoor and outdoor play equipment, reduced costs on school tours and contribution to buses to activities such as pantomimes. But most importantly the main purpose is provided the school book scheme by reducing the cost of the annual school books to parents.
In addition to fundraising the Parents’ Association provide help and advice when the school is drawing up school policies and planning major changes. The Parents input is hugely important and through the Parents’ Association the parental body has the opportunity to contribute to the development of the school.

Chairperson: Laura Mulrey
Vice Chairperson: Mairéad Byrne
Secretary: Amanda Kelly
Treasurer: Olivia Byrnes