Newsletter September 2023

Welcome back everyone.

On behalf of all staff members in Drumgossatt National School we would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Junior Infants and their families as they embark on their
educational journey. Also, welcome back to all other students and families and we hope that 2023/2024 will be a positive and happy year for everyone.

May I draw your attention to the following points:

  • School opens to receive pupils at 9.20am for all students. The Board of Management cannot accept responsibility for pupils who arrive before that time. Classes end each day at 2pm for Junior/Senior Infants and 3pm for all other classes. The Board of Management cannot accept responsibility for pupils after 3pm.
  • There is no parking at the front of the school. Please ensure that children are
    accompanied until 9.20am as the school is not insured to cover any child before this time.
  • Please do not drop your child/children early at school in the rain.
  • Parents should inform the Principal or Class Teacher if they wish someone else to collect their child during school hours. Permission to leave school grounds to attend medical, dental appointments, funeral/anniversary masses etc. should be in
  • Regular and punctual attendance at school is expected and any absence must be explained by a written note or phone call.
  • Homework will be given each night and parents should ensure that it is completed and sign homework journals.
  • All correspondence to office by email please. Issues regarding your own child can be emailed directly to their teacher.
  • Children must wear their school uniform and suitable footwear (No Rollerblades) and please have each item of clothing clearly labelled. Please ensure your child always conforms to the school uniform policy.
  • Children who are ill should not be sent to school. Please continue to adhere to Covid-19 advice and guidance from the HSE.
  • Bullying or misbehaviour of any form is not allowed in the school. Such cases will be deemed serious and will be dealt with promptly.
  • Fizzy drinks, chewing gum and glass containers are prohibited in the school.
  • The school operates a healthy eating policy. Please ensure your child has a healthy lunch and drink each day. The school encourages pupils to bring fruit to school on a Friday (Fruity Friday).
  • Children are not allowed to take mobile phones to school.
  • Swimming Lessons: Will commence on Tuesday, 3rd October (except 31st ) – 14th November for 3 rd – 6 th class. More details later.
  • Reminder: Art & Crafts, Insurance (fee for year) €35 per child, please forward to class teacher as soon as possible. Thank you to all who have already done so.
  • E-payments – we are in the process of setting up an e-payment system whereby eliminating the use of cash. More details later.
  • Correspondence: Please ensure you have an up-to-date email address and that you check this regularly for notes/ messages. Please let the school know ASAP if you are not receiving emails. Correspondence should be through email please to and will be addressed on receipt.
  • Facebook: We are introducing our Facebook page; this will be used for messages/updates only. No phots of individuals will be posted on this page. Please check regularly.
  • PE: Will take place on Thursdays for all students, please ensure your child wears appropriate gear/ footwear. This will change in the event of an external coach visiting the school/ swimming etc. Students and families will be informed beforehand.
  • Half Day: Friday 29 th September School closes @ 12pm for teacher training.

We look forward to a happy and safe year ahead.

Le gach dea ghuí,
Breege Brennan,

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