Drumgossatt NS is a rural school, situated beside St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church. There are five teachers in our school, four classroom teachers, one learning support teacher and one S.N.A.
Originally built in 1891, Drumgossatt NS was extended and renovated in 2010. The school offers a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for both pupils and staff.
Drumgossatt NS works in partnership with parents to ensure each child is happy at school and fulfils their potential. Drumgossatt NS adheres to the Primary School Curriculum as set out by the Department of Education and Skills while also incorporating extra-curricular activities to cater for the needs of all pupils. The school has a strong link with the community and works closely with local organisations such as the GAA.
Our dedicated staff work diligently to ensure the needs of each child is accommodated for by utilising a combination of teaching methods and strategies including modern technology.
At Drumgossatt NS, we encourage innovation and creativity and we celebrate the work of all. We strive to ensure all children in our school feel included with the full opportunity to maximise their capability.
Newsletter October 2021
Dear Parents, Please note the following: Green Schools: Congratulations to Mrs E. Brennan and the Green Schools Committee on achieving the Green Flag for ‘Water’. They also achieved first place…
Welcome Back
Welcome back. On behalf of all staff members in Drumgossatt National School we would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Junior Infants and their families as they…
Newsletter May 2021
Dear Parents, Please note the following: First Holy Communion & Confirmation are not allowed take place during the month of May or June, when we receive any further details we…